Cameron Spann

Dec 27, 20181 min

Watching Wall Street and Your Investments

Updated: Jan 22, 2020

By Staff | December 27, 2018 at 9:06 PM CST - Updated December 27 at 9:06 PM

MEMPHIS, TN (WMC) - Despite starting the day down, the stock market closed in the black again.

The holiday season hasn't stabilized the stock market.

A December of downturns prompted a massive Christmas Eve crash, followed by a surge on Wednesday.

Analysts say it could be the worst December in recent history on Wall Street.

"We certainly are in a bad period and it's very easy to get sucked into that," said David Pickler of Pickler Wealth Advisors.

Collierville Financial Planner David Pickler said he expects the market volatility to continue into 2019, despite a strong economy and low unemployment.

"The only people who end up losing on markets like these are those who panic and sell," said Pickler.

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